Madison Winters

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Food Philosophy

I was asked recently what my food philosophy is. I love this question because, obviously, I love food. But food is more than creative trends and beautiful plating on instagram. My food philosophy has two components.

One. As a consumer, I look at everything I eat as a vote. I’m a relatively health-conscious eater, as I was raised by pescatarian hippies, so I try to eat food that promotes health and socially-conscious production. More and more consumers are demanding to know where their food comes from and there is a growing movement towards local, sustainable, and innovative agriculture. And as we know, the market provides what consumers want. If we keep asking for certain products, we will see more options become available catering to our demands. I love this. I think it’s important to remember that our world is a delicate ecosystem, and the relationship we have with momma earth must be symbiotic. So I think of my food purchases as a vote every time I buy. A vote for organic. A vote for local. A vote for health.

Two. Food is about community. Think about it, have you ever been to a celebration of any kind where there was no food being served? No. Because sharing food is a cultural, intimate, and ancient practise that brings people together. Food transcends all culture, all songs and tradition, it spans globally as a shared communal focal point. When planning an event, I like to emphasize this to clients. Food is memorable and personal. I think designing menus that reflect your tastes, culture, and history helps immerse guests into the experience in a deeper way.

I’ve seen a lot of clients overlook the importance of food at their event, usually to save on the budget. I think besides from a fantastic photographer, food is the second most important expense of an event. The photographer is for you- so you have long lasting memories of your special occasion. Food is for your guests. Remember that if you’re having a wedding, engagement party, birthday, or any social event involving a meal, what you’re really hosting is a very glamorous and ornate dinner. What do you remember from events you attend? You usually remember the meal, the ambience, and the service. If the food is bad, you remember. If the flowers aren’t your favorite, you probably won’t write home about it. But bad food… bad food has moved mountains and caused wars*.

In the next few weeks I will be sourcing caterers around the city with important or unique food philosophies. I will pass along what I find to all of you so you can jump on the good-food train for your next event with me!

*Not historically accurate, or factual in any way.